The Entrepreneurial Landscape for Women Looks Different

Homefield Equity

Currently in the US, the pandemic created a boom of new entrepreneurs. Of these new businesses being created, many have women at the helm. The entrepreneurial landscape for women looks different than it used to. Currently, somewhere around 39% of all business in the US are run by women and we’re holding our own with regard to the […]

Three Common Mistakes First Time Entrepreneurs Make

Homefield Equity

I’ve had the opportunity to work with many companies and entrepreneurs. I’ve observed them making some of the same mistakes. The most common three are industry agnostic, of which I mean that I’ve seen them happen in everything from restaurants to retail to tech. I’ve even made these mistakes myself. If anyone tells you they […]

Categorizing Customers For Focus

Homefield Equity

Any company that has been in business for more than a few years and/or has experienced massive growth will find themselves with more customers than they truly manage and understand at a glance. You will wind up with a wide array of customers who will differ in their impact to your business, be it strategically, […]

Why External Funding Can Be A Distraction

Homefield Equity

US Venture Capital Investment Surpasses $130 Billion in 2019 for Second Consecutive Year You can’t be an entrepreneur without encountering numerous ways and opportunities for external funding. This is especially true for Tech startups where there is an entire ecosystem around VC funding. While all forms of funding have their place, there is an unintended […]